About me

My name is Stefan Busnatu. As a cardiologist, doctor of medical sciences, I work at the "Bagdasar Arseni" Emergency Clinical Hospital, within the Cardiology Clinic. I am also Vice-Rectorf the "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Bucharest and a member of the secondary prevention and recovery section of the European Association of Preventive Cardiology, a part of the European Society of Cardiology.

In addition to my clinical activity, I am deeply involved in teaching and research activities at the "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, collaborating in international research projects in the field of preventive, recovery and interventional cardiology. These efforts are motivated by the desire to reduce the incidence of cardiovascular disease and improve the quality of life of patients affected by these conditions.

As free time becomes increasingly limited, making it difficult to make healthy choices, we find that access to a wealth of health information on the Internet can be overwhelming and sometimes misleading. Therefore, it is essential to discern the right information and apply it practically.

To help you navigate these challenges and adopt a healthy lifestyle that minimizes your risk of cardiovascular disease - a condition with a significant impact both physically and psychologically - I invite you to regularly follow the posts on the site our

Having extensive experience in the diagnosis and management of cardiovascular diseases, accumulated by participating in training programs in preventive and sports cardiology, both in Romania and internationally, I am dedicated to providing you with information and advice based on the latest findings in the field .

Thank you for your trust and I look forward to helping you maintain and improve your cardiovascular health.

The medical assessment tools we use in our medical practice are essential for an accurate diagnosis and the development of an effective treatment plan. These include:

  • Comprehensive Cardiology Consultation: This is a thorough evaluation that includes a detailed history, focusing on the patient's personal and family history, as well as sports evaluation. Through this consultation, we aim to obtain a complete picture of the patient's cardiovascular health.
  • Resting electrocardiogram (ECG): This is a fundamental test that measures the electrical activity of the heart at rest, allowing the identification of potential arrhythmias or other heart abnormalities.
  • Heart ultrasound (Echo-cardiogram): This provides detailed images of the heart, assessing heart structure and function, including heart wall movement, valve function and blood flow.
  • Electrocardiographically monitored stress testing: this test evaluates the heart's performance under physical stress, being useful in diagnosing coronary heart disease or determining a patient's exercise capacity.
  • Cardiopulmonary exercise testing: focuses on assessing the exercise tolerance of patients with heart failure and the fitness of athletes, combining respiratory and cardiovascular measurements to assess cardiorespiratory performance.
  • Long-term EKG monitoring (Holter EKG): records the electrical activity of the heart for 24-48 hours or more, detecting arrhythmias or abnormalities that do not appear in a resting ECG.
  • Long-term blood pressure measurement (Holter TA): monitors blood pressure over an extended period, providing valuable data about blood pressure variations in the patient's daily life.

Acestea permit configurarea de programe personalizate care includ:

  • Prevenție primară a bolilor cardiovasculare: strategii concepute pentru a preîntâmpina apariția bolilor cardiovasculare.
  • Prevenție secundară (recuperare cardiovasculară): programe de reabilitare pentru pacienții care au suferit deja evenimente cardiovasculare, cu scopul de a reduce riscul de recurență.
  • Screening cardiovascular: evaluări periodice pentru a asigura că activitatea fizică se desfășoară în siguranță, adecvate atât pentru sportivi, cât și pentru persoanele active.
  • Cuantificare și optimizare a performanței sportive: evaluări și recomandări personalizate pentru îmbunătățirea performanței sportive, prin optimizarea sănătății cardiovasculare.

They allow the configuration of customized programs that include:

  • Primary prevention of cardiovascular disease: strategies designed to prevent the onset of cardiovascular disease.
  • Secondary prevention (cardiovascular recovery): rehabilitation programs for patients who have already suffered cardiovascular events, with the aim of reducing the risk of recurrence.
  • Cardiovascular screening: periodic assessments to ensure that physical activity is carried out safely, suitable for both athletes and active people.
  • Sports performance quantification and optimization: personalized assessments and recommendations to improve sports performance by optimizing cardiovascular health.

For additional information or to discuss your specific needs, do not hesitate to contact me at the email address: [email protected].


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